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cane是什么意思 蚕蛾的功效与作用

2023-08-11 来源:互联网 【 字体:

大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。cane是什么意思,cane的用法一、cane是什么意思1、cane 甘蔗2

cane是什么意思 蚕蛾的功效与作用



1、cane 甘蔗

2、来自拉丁词canna, 芦苇,后外延义甘蔗。



2、cane: [14] Cane is a word of ancient ancestry. It can be traced back to Sumerian gin ‘reed’, and has come down to us via Assyrian kanū and Greek kánnā (a derivative of which, kánastron ‘wicker basket’, was the ultimate source of English canister [17]). Latin borrowed the word as canna, and broadened its meaning out from ‘reed, cane’ to ‘pipe’, which is the basis of English cannal, channel, cannon, and canyon. From Latin came Old French cane, source of the English word.=> canal, canister, cannon, canyon, channel

3、cane (n.)

4、late 14c., from Old French cane"reed, cane, spear"(13c., Modern French canne), from Latin canna"reed, cane,"from Greek kanna, perhaps from Assyrian qanu"tube, reed"(compare Hebrew qaneh, Arabic qanah"reed"), from Sumerian gin"reed."But Tucker finds this borrowing"needless"and proposes a native Indo-European formation from a root meaning"to bind, bend."Sense of"walking stick"in English is 1580s.

5、cane (v.)

6、"to beat with a walking stick,"1660s, from cane (n.). Related: Caned; caning.
